Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ever thought of doing a one-off volunteer job for the local environment?

If so, you can find out about such volunteer opportunities via a website maintained by DNREC's division of Fish and Wildlife.  These are events during which you can lend a hand to upkeep trails, plant trees, pull invasive weeds, set up a festival, etc. 

It's a good site to keep in your browsers 'favorites', to reference when you have extra time and a desire to be outdoors, doing something beneficial for the First State:

There aren't actually many events listed now that the weather has gotten cold (and boy has it - it's hard to believe I was on Lewes beach earlier this week in summer clothes), so check this website again in the spring.  In the meantime, there's a weeding day, a reforestation project, and a festival (set-up volunteers needed) in late winter.

Many of the volunteer events take place in lower Delaware, but there are some NCCo opportunities to be found, such as the aforementioned day of weeding two invasive species in New Castle (of course, if you're anti-hunting, it might be a problem that this takes place at a hunter education and training center run by DNREC.  But my feeling about hunting is this: while I could not personally shoot an animal, I'm really glad there are people helping to keep the numbers of local deer down.  It has gotten really dangerous at night/early morning on the roads leading into and out of Wilmington.  I am actually way more wary of deer on the roads than of drunk drivers and texters, and that's sad.  So animal rights aside, it's just not feasable for me, personally, to be against a program that teaches safe hunting practices.  /soapbox).

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