General Events:
- Showings at Theatre N: The Central Park Five, and In Another Country. http://www.theatern.org/Films
- Boatrocker (note to Mojo Main: I know I sometimes complain that you don't give any info on the bands that play on your stage. But at the opposite end, just because a band submits a bio that's 11 pages long and says basically nothing doesn't mean you have to actually publish it), Curser, and Keep For Yourself at Mojo Main. 9pm, $6. Boatrocker's bio, if you want to see what I mean: http://www.mojomain.com/event/203245-boatrocker-curser-keep-for-newark/
- Garland Jeffreys at the Queen Theatre, downstairs. $27.
- DJ/ electronic music show at the Queen: Jack Deezl ("This 21 year old producer/multi-instrumentalist/DJ from Philadelphia spends most of his time recording live instruments only to mash and mangle them with electronic sounds"), Architekt and DJ EA at the Queen Theatre. $7.
- Jon Herrington at the Kennett Flash (touring member of Steely Dan, but not a part of Steely Dan during their peak writing years. Which is not a statement against him, as I'm sure he's a fine artist in his own right, but it's worth noting). $18-$20.
~In Philly~
- Really nothing that I would recommend as being worth the drive. I think glee-club-super-group The Silver Ages are playing their yearly holiday show, but that show is sold out.
General Events:
- Showings at Theatre N: The Central Park Five, and In Another Country. http://www.theatern.org/Films
- Jazz jam session at The Nomad Bar at 9th & Orange. Every Saturday, 4-7:30pm, FREE.
- Travel Songs (ex-Diego Paulo) and New Sweden at Mojo Main. 9pm, $5 or $6.
- Led Zeppelin tribute, "ZOSO", at The Note in West Chester. $12-$14.
~In Philly~
- Sun Airway and Cruiser at Johnny Brenda's. $12.
General Events:
- Showings at Theatre N: Struck By Lightning with live Q&A with Chris Colfer (the site doesn't say who he or she is), The Central Park Five, and In Another Country. http://www.theatern.org/Films
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