Monday 2/27:
- Movie Monday at the Trocadero: The Catechism Cataclysm, DVD release party (IMDB link.) 21+, $3. Doors at 6:30, show at 8, arrive before 7 and get a free beer and popcorn.
Tuesday 2/28:
- Grandchildren with Dinosaur Feathers at Johnny Brenda's. 21+, 9pm, $10.
Wednesday 2/29:
- Grow your own: one of Longwood Gardens' gardeners is giving a talk about growing your own produce, at Delaware Center for Horticulture in Trolley Square. 7-8pm, $10 for DCH or DE Art Museum members, $15 for everyone else. More info & registration here.
- Carolina Chocolate Drops at the Queen Theatre. Hoots & Hellmouth have been added as the opener, which is a little surprising since they're playing The Gild Hall on the weekend. Ticket link.
- 4W5 Blues Jam at the Queen. 7pm, free.
Thursday 3/1:
- Readers and hold-outs against Kindle mania: there's an excellent yearly book sale going on at Concord Mall, starting today and lasting through the weekend. Benefits the American Association of University Women. Book prices are usually $1-$4 until the bag sale on Sunday. Open during mall hours. More info.
- For classical or choir fans: the Center City Chorale is doing a lunchtime concert at First & Central Presbyterian Church, at the northwest corner of Rodney Square. Presented by Market Street Music. 12:30pm, $3. More info / program.
- Art talk at UD on recent acquisitions to UD's art collection. 4:30pm in the art building, FREE.
- Comedy night at New Candlelight Dinner Theatre, featuring Texan comedian Karl LaBove (featured on all the late night shows) and Chris Roach (not much info on him, so he may be a local). 6:30pm, $25. More info.
- "Comdy Night" at Mojo Main (their spelling - it makes sense if you say it with a Delaware/Baltimore/Philly accent, a la: "Comdy down 'ere Newark, Tewsdee noyt!"). Featuring a mix of bands, comedians, and comedy bands: Fenris, Delicious Beats, Todd Chappelle, Stucco Lobster Breadbox, Alex Pearlman. This is the early show, at 7pm. $5
- Karaoke at Mojo Main, in the front room. 9pm, free
Upcoming: There's an amazing restored silent film at Theatre N this weekend, for those who liked The Artist. (I liked it, but didn't get the fuss. It was neither as funny nor as interesting as a Chaplin film, or a million other actual silent films. I was expecting more). Anyway, here's the link to 1902's A Trip To The Moon.