- Shakespeare's The Winters Tale, Rockwood Mansion in N. Wilm. Doors at 6:15 with pre-show entertainment. Show at 7:30pm. $12.
- Carousel Park Farmers' Market, 2-6pm, Rt. 7 entrance.
- Kennett Square Farmers' Market, 2-6pm, main drag.
- Fenwick Island Farmers' Market, 8am-noon, Coastal Hwy.
- Closing night for Shakespeare's The Winters Tale, Rockwood Mansion in N. Wilm. Doors at 6:15 with pre-show entertainment. Show at 7:30pm. $12.
- Alapocas Run State Park's Intro to Rock Climbing. Pre-registration required. Bancroft Mills Rd. 6-8pm, $20.
- 5k to benefit children at the Henrietta Johnson Medical Center. Starts at 8:30am, Dravo Plaza.
- Little Italy Farmers' Market. 9-1pm, 4th & Bancroft.
- Winterthur Farm Stand, 9-1, Rt. 52.
- Lewes Farmers' Market. 8-noon, Shipcarpenter St.
- Inaugural "Larry The Barber" 5k at Rockford Park. Benefits National Org. for Rare Diseases (one of which Larry Nicastro, longtime barber and running enthusiast of Wilmington, passed away from). Registration at 7:30, race at 8:30am, Rockford Park.
- Newark Co-Op Farmers' Market. 10-2pm, E. Main St.
- Bethany Beach Farmers' Market. 8-noon, main drag.
Music Listings:
- Free noon show at the Queen Theatre: Rachel Schain.
- Free noon show at H.B. Dupont Park: Smoke Signals.
- New Sweden *CD Release Show* at the Queen Theatre. Openers are The Spinning Leaves and Johnny Miles (why doesn't the Queen ever list the openers on their website?) 8pm, $7.
- Anvil (yes, the band from that documentary) at The Note in West Chester. 21+, doors at 8, $17.
- Battleshy Youths with 3 openers at Mojo Main. 21+, 9pm, $5.
- Avi Buffalo and Norwegian Arms at Johnny Brenda's. 21+, doors at 8, $10.
- Christina Perri and honeyhoney at the TLA. Most likely all ages (but double check). 8pm, $23.
- 4 popular local bands at the Queen: The Collingwood, FelixHunger, The Paper Janes, and Revolution, I Love You!. 8pm, $6.
- Peoples Festival (Reggae, tribute to Bob Marley). Tubman-Garrett Park, noon-10pm, $20.
- Sticky Buns Burlesque (burlesque troupe from Baltimore, so expect a lot of Betty Page 'dos), with musical guest Sisters 3, at the North Star. 21+, 9pm, $12.
- Huge hip-hop show at Mojo Main (I never mention hip-hop shows because it's not a scene I follow. However, this one seems pretty big, so here ya go). View large list of participants here: 21+, 8pm, $5.
- Big Jangle at Bellevue State Park. 6:30pm, free with park admission.
- West Philadelphia Orchestra and Pepi Ginsburg play a benefit show at Johnny Brenda's. 21+, doors at 8, $10.
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