Monday, April 11, 2011

Inaugural Wilmingtonic blog post

Welcome to the Wilmingtonic blog.  My name is H, and as I just wrote in my About Me, I've spent most of my thirty-odd years living and working in New Castle County.  But I've also spent enough time in surrounding cities to know that the progressive cultural scene in the greater Wilmington area can be, shall we say, elusive.  But it's there!  I intend to uncover it, and share my findings with others who may be in my situation: suited to living in areas of greater cultural opportunities, but living in Delaware for one reason or another, and eager to make the best of it. 

That said, this won't all be about music shows in the warehouses of non-profits, or grassroots fundraisers.  I also personally take an interest in the outdoors, and would like to showcase some of the great natural preserves in the area.   It is the one clear-cut retort I have for any large-city dweller who mocks Delaware to my face: "I live two miles away from thousands of acres of gorgeous protected woodland!   I don't need to take two different busses and a rail line to get to that".   So while the outdoors don't strictly fall under the heading of 'culture', it's important to me to include posts on that subject, too. 

A lot of my reportings may overlap what has already been covered in local news media such as Spark, Out & About, the News Journal, and Delaware Today.  But this blog will cater to people such as myself: a little too old and cultured to get excited about college bar listings, a little too young and poor to get excited about black tie affairs.   I haven't seen media that appeals to my demographic here in Delaware, so I thought I'd start my own. 

Readers can feel free to email me suggestions or tips on events or organizations I should be aware of.  I certainly don't claim to know it all.  At this point I'm probably much more aware of Philadelphia scenes than Delaware scenes, but I'm going to learn as I go, and hopefully one or two people out there will benefit from my own learning process. 

Thanks for reading! 

One addendum: This blog will not be mean-spirited.   It's not that I'm some Polyanna who has never had a snobby or snarky thought.  God knows I struggle with that.  But I am so sick of culture blogs that basically diss anybody whom they perceive to be not "One Of Them".  This will certainly not try to be inclusive of every scene out there (for instance, you will not find many family activities here, because it's outside my milieau), but I refuse to engage in 'Philebrity' style bashing of everything that I don't personally have a taste for.  I recognize that everybody has different tastes and desires.  Even if I absolutely hate the bands that you like, I'm not going to look down on you for that, because I understand that your music taste is probably a product of who you hung out with and were exposed to in your formative years, just as my music taste was.  I can't say I'll never pass a negative word about something I'm reviewing, but you will not see the wholesale bashing of another person's lifestyle that you see on a lot of blogs.  And if I stray from that commitment, by all means, let me know.  Keep me honest.

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