Friday, December 28, 2012

Now to make up for my cranky weekend listings, a story from Pike Creek Roasterie. Also, Fresh Thymes is hiring:

From Pike Creek Coffee Roasterie:

"Yesterday a woman came into the shop and prepaid for the next 26 customers' coffees, in memory of the victims of the Connecticut shooting. The 26 people who received free coffee after she left were touched by her generosity."

From Fresh Thymes Cafe in Trolley Square:

UPDATE: The below was an old post (thanks, Facebook and your strange ways of prioritizing posts!), and it seems they've already hired someone.   From what I can gather, the mother half of this mother-daughter business duo has retired and returned home to Illinois, possibly to take care of a relative.  The daughter has chosen to continue the business, with some part-time help.

"I am hiring at Fresh Thymes Cafe! I am going to give this a shot by myself and hope to find a really great staff. Looking for enthusiastic, energetic, and folks who love wholesome food to help. This is part time work and Saturdays are a must. Please e-mail me if you are interested. Let me know why you would like to work at Fresh Thymes, any job experience, and your favorite fruit and veggies. You are also welcome to pop in and hand it to me in person. Look forward to seeing you soon :o)"

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