Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In the news: earthquake that I didn't notice, and the passing of a cheesesteak/anti-immigration legend.

Remember that earthquake the east coast had yesterday?  Lucky you*.  I was driving in my car at the time and had no idea anything was going down until I got home and logged into Facebook.  When I saw the first related post, along the lines of "Earthquake at my house, baby!", I thought the friend who posted it was just being lewd.  By the third post,  I realized it wasn't a joke and I was not part of this massive shared experience.  Biggest earthquake to hit the East Coast in 67 years?  Check.  Felt from mid-Georgia to mid-Canada?  Check.  Totally passed me by without notice?  Check.

*Don't judge me for making light of this.  There were no injuries.  Also, all of California is laughing at us right now. 


Joey Vento, 71 year old owner of Geno's Steaks in Philly, has passed away of a heart attack.  Vento gained worldwide notoriety a couple of years ago for posting a sign that said "This is America.  Speak English when ordering"  outside of his business. When the media started raising questions about the sign's ethics, Vento welcomed the publicity and became an overnight spokesperson for the anti-immigration crowd.  Europeans generally regarded him as an uneducated blow-hard, while American public opinion was generally polarized between those who thought he was racist and those who thought he had every right to post the notice.   The former stopped patronizing his steak stand; the latter flocked to it in droves. 


Don't forget that today is the day to donate $10 gas cards to Meals On Wheels, for their volunteer drivers, via Groupon.  Here's the link:

"If 50 People Donate $10, Then Meals on Wheels Delaware Can Fund More Than 2,500 Miles to Deliver Meals to Homebound Seniors".   They've reached their goal of 50 donors, but still, only 66 Delawareans have participated so far.  Lets get that number up a little so Meals on Wheels is still around when the rest of us are old enough to need them. 

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