Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday idea

So my spouse and I were talking about how stores are opening earlier and earlier on Black Friday, to the point where they're now officially opening Thursday night.  And how much that must suck for people who have to rouse themselves from Thanksgiving gluttony to get ready for work, after the meal.  Forget having wine with dinner.  Seriously - think about how lethargic you feel after all that turkey, the wine, the desserts, the massive clean-up effort.  What if you had to go off to work right afterwards?  Maybe some of you already do, and you have my sympathies.

I don't really participate in Black Friday because I can't stand crowds, and even if I did, I wouldn't go to any place that opens ridiculously early on principle (let's cut those poor employees a break being the general idea).  But I realize this is a thing that is not going to go away, so I have an idea for stores that are thinking about how they can keep up, next year.

Instead of this continuous downward spiral where, eventually, Black Friday will be starting right in the middle of everyone's Thanksgiving meal, why don't some of these stores open at, say, noon on Friday?  Or two o'clock?  They can offer their door-buster specials, and they'll catch everyone who is just getting out of the house for the day and doesn't feel like going to stores that have already been picked clean.  Or they'll clean up on shoppers who were standing in line early at other stores, but who were disappointed in their searches.  An afternoon opening time would give everybody a fresh start.  And it would be kinder to employees.  (And don't say "They should be thankful they even have a job and not complain", because that's a bullshit reason to make bad working conditions, and forget about turning that kind of "progress" back once the economy is better).

Why compete, like a lemming going over the cliff, by opening earlier and earlier?  That race has no end.  Why not try something different and cater to those people who want to do Black Friday shopping, but would welcome a fresh, fully stocked store at noon on Friday?

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